- Details
Sporting & Recreational Facilities
Bike paths
A meandering walking track along both sides of Union Jack Creek through De Soza Park can be used for gentle bike rides. A longer designated bike path runs from Buninyong to Ballarat via Mt Helen and along Canadian Creek
BMX Pump track
Buninyong Youth Activity Space, cnr. Forest and Inglis Streets
cnr Inglis Street and Yuille Streets, Buninyong, 5341 3577
Buninyong Community Facility
Football, cricket and netball; club rooms with open plan area, kitchen and meeting rooms.
cnr. Forest Street and Cornish Streets, Buninyong
Booking enquiries: Kate Gordon 0431 172 551

Children's playgrounds
De Soza Park, Warrenheip Street
Buninyong Botanical Gardens, Scott Street
Cricket Ovals
Buninyong Community Facility: cnr. Cornish and Forest Street
As well as the bike paths along Union Jack Creek and in to Ballarat along the Midland highway and Canadian Creek, Buninyong has some excellent cycling circuits that are used annually for national championships.
January: Australian Open Road Cycling Championships
See Cycling for more information.
Football Ground
Buninyong Community Facility: cnr Forest and Cornish Street
Cooling off on a hot day in the Buni Pool
Golf Club
613 Learmonth Street (Midland Highway) Buninyong Vic 3357
Tel: 03 5341 3217 Fax: 03 5341 3241
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web: www.buninyonggolfclub.com.au
Buninyong Primary School Gymnasium, Yuille St
Unisports, University of Ballarat - Mt Helen Campus ... 5327 9695
Buninyong Community Facility, cnr. Forest and Cornish Streets, Buninyong
Parkour Circuit
Buninyong Youth Activity Space, cnr. Forest and Inglis Streets
Riding Schools
Doran Park, 33 Blue Bridge Road, Mt Doran ... 5341 5588
Rinaldi's, Mountview, Cnr Yankee Flat & Navigator Roads, Warrenheip ... 53 347682 - 0412 350 988
Buninyong Youth Activity Space, cnr. Forest and Inglis Streets
Swimming Pool
Forest Street
Enquiries: 5341 3302
Tennis Courts

- Buninyong Tennis Centre ... Forest Street, Buninyong, Website: https://play.tennis.com.au/BuninyongAndDistrictTennisAssociation
- cnr Geelong Road and Fisken Road, Mt Helen
Walking Tracks
- De Soza Park, along both sides of the Union Jack Creek
- Union Jack Reserve (free map available from the Buninyong Information Centre)
- Ballarat Bird Park circuit.
- Around the Gong and up to Mt Innes
- To the summit of Mt Buninyong and through the crater (now part of the Goldfields Track)
- The Wallaby Track, Great Dividing Trail (Daylesford to Mt Buninyong)
A detailed map of the Wallaby Track with photos and commentaries on this section of the GDT is available from the Buninyong Information Centre($9.50). For more information about the Great Dividing Trail visit: Great Dividing Trail.
See also the Goldfields Track website which covers the 210 km Goldfields Track all the way from Bendigo to Mt Buninyong, via Castlemaine, Daylesford, Creswick and Ballarat.
Ballarat Walking Tracks on the City of Ballarat's website is another excellent resource with links to maps and descriptions of a range of interesting walking tracks around Ballarat and district.
Youth Activity Space
Corner Forest Street and Inglis Street
- Parkour circuit
- Skateboard rink
- BMX Pump track

Sports Clubs & Associations
Contact Information
Buninyong Bowling Club
Inglis Street, Buninyong
Enquiries: Bob Jenkins 5341 3195
Buninyong Cricket Club
Everyone is welcome at our club as a playing or social member
Buninyong Community Facility, Forest Street, Buninyong
Postal Address: PO Box 210, Buninyong 3357
President: Neil Blanchard ... 0437 363 961
Secretary: Chris Gordon ... 0407 392 037
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web: http://buninyong.vic.cricket.com.au/
Buninyong Football & Netball Club
Buninyong Community Facility, Forest Street, Buninyong
Sec/Membership: 0438 413 202; Football Manager: 0419 595 610; Senior Netball Manager: 0400 942 042
Buninyong Golf Club
613 Learmonth Street (Midland Highway) Buninyong Vic 3357
Tel: 03 5341 3217 Fax: 03 5341 3241
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web: www.buninyonggolfclub.com.au
Buninyong Kyokushin Karate Club
Instructor: Paul Wilson ... 0439 788 499 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Buninyong Little Athletics
Address: C/- the Secretary, PO Box 56 Buninyong 3357
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Buninyong Soccer Club
Contact: Sue Mroczkowski ... 5341 7665 ... Web: www.buninyongsoccer.org.au
Buninyong Swimming Pool Committee
Forest Street, Buninyong ... Enquiries: 5341 3302
Buninyong & District Tennis Association
208 Forrest Street, Buninyong
Senior, Junior and Ladies Midweek
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Secretary: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: https://play.tennis.com.au/BuninyongAndDistrictTennisAssociation
Courts can be booked using the website as well.
Grenville Tennis Club
Junior and Senior teams. Kids lessons.
Buninyong-Mt Mercer Rd, Grenville
Ph: 0403 668 029 ... Grenville Tennis Club Facebook page
Mt Helen Tennis Club
Cnr Geelong Road & Fisken Road, Mt Helen
Senior, Junior, Midweek & Social Members welcome
Enquiries: Mandy James (Secretary) Ph: 53413300 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Unisports ... University of Ballarat - Mt Helen Campus 5327 9695
Sport & Fitness Classes
Karate Classes
Buninyong Masonic Lodge, Twice a week: Family class and Kids' class ... Enquiries: Michelle/Luke: 5202 0606
Buninyong Kyokushin Karate Club
Instructor: Paul Wilson ... 0439 788 499 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thurs 6-7pm ... Buninyong Town Hall ... contact Stephanie: 0429 578 987
Stretch Classes
Practitioner-led classes of functional stretching for the whole body.
Classes at Buninyong Town Hall, Wednesdays at 6:30pm.
Enquiries: Geordie McLeod 0407 379 204 or visit www.gmcosteopathy.com.au/stretching
Taekwondo Class
Buninyong Primary School Gym (Tuesday nights) ... cnr Yuille and Inglis Street, Buninyong ... Enquiries - Ron: 5331 7921 or Simon: 0427 513 796
Mon 6pm & Thurs 9:15am ... Buninyong RSL Hall, 401 Learmonth St... Contact Karen on 0490 111 250
Whether you prefer a gentle stroll around the town to view Buninyong's historic buildings and parks, or more strenuous walks up and down the numerous volcanic cones, there are several inviting paths to take.
Walks Around Buninyong & District
Walks Around Buninyong & District features local walks and provides plenty of support information.
It has a detailed Summary Sheet, Walking Notes, Background Information on points of interest, and a downloadable Georeferenced Map for each walk. The website also allows for walkers to contribute photos and data concerning birds and plants identified along the walk.
The Buninyong Bird Park Circuit is the first walk that has been fully developed but many other walks are planned for the website. Walkers' feedback is welcomed. The funding for the development of the initial pages and map was provided by the Ballarat City Council through its 2011 Community Grants Program.
Goldfields Track
The Goldfields Track website covers the 210 km Goldfields Track from Bendigo to Mt Buninyong, via Castlemaine, Daylesford, Creswick and Ballarat.
Ballarat Walking Tracks
Ballarat Walking Tracks on the City of Ballarat's website is another excellent resource with links to maps and descriptions of a range of interesting walking tracks around Ballarat and district